A Major American Experimentalist

Award-winning choreographer, director & teacher

Passionate about personal empowerment of performers

Committed to collaboration, multidisciplinary art & lifelong experiment


With Stephanie Skura, Susanna Hood, Manuela Bondavalli, Amanda Hamp, Marisol Salinas
July 8 - August 4, 2023
Monday – Friday, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
19th Ave & Roy, Capitol Hill, Seattle

“It is such a special place, space, and world you facilitate.” Jeremy Steward

Join for 2, 3 or 4 consecutive weeks.
Progressive discounts for multiple weeks.
Additional $100 early registration discount before May 15.
Those with comprehensive experience of Introductory level OSF or SRT may drop in and/or join for Week 4, Advanced Practice Week.

All are welcome — whether new to the practice or experienced. We’ll navigate Introductory level work, with a fourth week of Advanced Practice. And lots of juicy improvisational processes, refined by Skura over three decades of teaching & choreographic practice, and refreshed continually with new ideas & experiments.

Open Source Forms celebrates diversity & individual empowerment: free of inhibition, accessing intuition, inviting the mind to collaborate. Sessions offer powerful strategies to catalyze freedom, specificity & courage in movement, vocal practice & creative practice.
A key aspect is individual creative empowerment as an instigator of positive change on the planet.


"I'm refinding mytself through your work & I'm deeply grateful." Jadi Carboni, current OSF teacher trainee

“I’ve learned an incredible amount, not only about releasing dance, but about teaching, facilitating transformation, and about my own physical, imaginative and spiritual layers of self.” Anastasia Barron, Sourcing Deeper & Teacher Certification, 2020 -22

July 8 – August 2, 2024
10:30 am – 6 pm PDT
Russian Community Center
704 19th Ave E, Seattle, WA, US

Facilitated by Stephanie Skura, Susanna Hood, Manuela Bondavalli

This 3-week preparatory program is designed for experienced OSF & Skinner Releasing practitioners who long to more deeply understand underlying conceptual structures & strategies these practices. Some may decide to follow with an OSF Teacher Certification Program. Others may want to take the work in other directions.
Though not a commitment to OSF Teacher Training, OSF Sourcing Deeper is a required pre-requisite for all applicants to OSF Teacher Certification Programs.  It’s also designed for those who choose to participate for their own research, or integrations with other practices.
OSF Sourcing Deeper is a ‘first pass’ at the complex array of skills & concepts that allow facilitators to create seemingly magical environments conducive to deeply transformative experiences.

The program includes the full spectrum of Introductory Level OSF material in morning sessions, plus substantive afternoon participatory discussions, vocal practice, sophisticated improvisational practice, hands-on practice, writing & drawing practice, language & music considerations — plus related readings in relevant philosophical topics that enhance our understanding of the profound concepts underlying this practice. For those who choose to follow with OSF Teacher Training, Sourcing Deeper will render the rigors of OSF Teacher Certification more digestible, less overwhelming, and decidedly more fun!

Hold your place and receive a $100 discount with application by April15, 2024 and non-refundable deposit of $400 or payment-in-full within two weeks of acceptance. Balance due by May 15, 2024.

Applicants for need experience with a minimum of two consecutive weeks of Introductory OSF or Skinner Releasing Technique.



“Revelatory experience of dancing & understanding anew in your workshop… Releasing into the subtlety of qualities, finding precision within the un-named, letting go into power and nuance.” Eva-Maria Mutka, Bristol

July 29 – August 2, 2024
10:30 am – 1:30 pm PDT
Russian Community Center
704 19th Ave E, Seattle, WA, US

Open to all who’ve experienced the first 3 weeks of OSF or SRT, either in 2024 Open Workshop or previously. Already a part of four-week OSF Open Workshop, experienced practitioners may choose just the Advanced Week.

This level of the practice is sophisticated, deep, and evolved in alignment approaches — richly navigating states below conscious level.


"Stephanie is one of the most memorable dance educators I"ve studied with. She allows you to unfold in ways that are innate, yet unknown to you." Laura Reichardt, choregorapher


A radical & perpetual innovator," Skura is in demand worldwide for her work & teaching.

Her influence on countless students, teachers, audience members & choreographers is a major force in the field of dance and performance.

She gets rave reviews from students, artists, audiences & press.

With a deep respect for individual diversity, her work is guided by integration of body/mind/heart, creativity & technique, form & content, art & healing, dance/theater/poetry, intellect & intuition.